Cheat Codes I Know At 30 That I Wish I Knew At 20:

1 min readNov 19, 2024


Photo by X

1. When someone is walking in your path look at their shoulder closest to you. 9 times out of 10 they will move out of the way.

2. Delay coffee 1-2 hours upon waking. This lets cortisol clear out adenosine, which can lead to sustained energy into the afternoon.

3. Mouth breathing disrupts sleep, ruins oral health & can cause sleep apnea. Mouth taping at night helped me solve this.

4. Use the 321 method for better sleep. No eating 3 hours before bed. No liquids 2 hours before. No screens l hour before.

5. You can tell a lot about someone's character by how they treat service staff.

6. Be in rooms where you're the dumbest person. Workout at gyms where you re the least fit person.

7. When lifting weights use your mind to muscle connection to increase muscle contraction.

8. Mouthwash is the biggest dental scam. Kills your oral microbiota. Avoid.

9. Your best ideas come in the shower, walking, or the gym. Keep a notepad ready.

10. You sleep for 1/3 of your entire life. Learn how to optimize it and make it as awesome as possible.

Thank you for your quality time.




Written by Taskeen

Taskeen Haider - Where stories come alive. English Lecturer | Book enthusiast | Avid reader.

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